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"Girls Night Out": Shopping 4 A Cause  was tingling with excitement.The ambiance of the venue at California African American Museum was brilliantly bright with activity in every spot. 

~ Lena Cole Dennis/Shopper


"Let me share with you how much I enjoyed WOCI.  It was fun, informative, compensatory, and most of all profitable.  I am looking forward to the next event.

~ Melba Carter/vendor


"There were so many beautiful women everywhere. I had my face made-up and shopped, talked with friends. Laughed. Had a really fun time and it was a wonderful event. Thank YOU".

~ Luisa Giudice/shopper


"I am so glad that I came. It was a wonderful event and I had a fabulous time.  look forward to Next year".

~ Katherine Bulovic/Shopper


 "I really had a great time. It was so nice to see women out having fun doing what we love to do. How beautiful everything was. The vendors were great the venue was perfect. I bought art for my mother and sister, make-up for myself. I had a great time"

~ Larissa Marko/Shopper


"Thank you so much for inviting me to the event last Saturday. It was GREAT! Congratulations on your fabulous work!!" 

~ Andrea Berry,/shopper


"The Women Shopping for a cause event was totally a great event. It was especially awesome to see ladies of color bonding and having fun together.  I hope to exhibit at your future events. Remember,

God is the reason for the season".

~ Stella Singleton-Jones/


"I found the layout to be quite elegant. Upon entering it took me back to being a child and going to the mall during Christmas time.  The open bar was great".

~Jasmine of



"I thought this was a great event and a very good turn out. Please keep LL's on your list.  As you know we have many things to promote. Thanks again"

~ Lorri and Lynn/vendors


"Thank you for the opportunity to be a vendor at your event. It was a wonderful experience I will participate again".

~Pia ofBeadart.RJewelry vendor


"This event was very well done and I enjoyed being a vendor for this fundraiser.

~Ardena Brooks of Designs by Ardena/vendor

"Girls Night Out" Reviews

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